If your business needs a small site that has a few pages of "Contact Us" information, we can certainly handle that. However, that's not really where we find our most economic effectiveness for our customers. We find ourselves to be more effective when we get involved with businesses who share a problem with us; businesses that will bring us in and show us how some procedural advancements could be the game changer that their business is looking for. In other words, we excel when a company has a problem or opportunity, and we have the capacity to implement their solutions.
Our team has lived in the large corporate environment in every aspect. We've seen the advantages and disadvantages that come with a large organization, and we believe that we can help you scale your capabilities. Many companies that we work with have some employees that work in an internal role at a centralized location while other employees are out in the field in more of a sales and marketing role. Without exception, we have found that the vast majority of hardships and growing pains that companies have is the challenge of controlling the flow of information. The process of the inside employees making requests to the internal group and the ways that the internal group handles and responds to those requests is often times the largest source of tension between the groups. Many times this can result in the different teams feeling like they are actually two different companies when in reality they should be sharing similar goals.

In this situation, we will come in and evaluate the current processes that are in place and identify areas that don't have a set process but should. For a company of any decent size, email is not a viable solution for process management. Therefore we will take existing processes and automate them through the use of forms and standardized methods of collecting information. By using data validation on forms, we can streamline the method of collecting complete, accurate information from outside personnel (employees, partners, or customers) and direct the information to the correct person or team that can handle the request. We will utilize mobile applications, QR codes, online forms, and any other technology necessary to streamline the process electronically and scale the capabilities of the people involved.
The result is a systematic process for producing repeatable, predictable results. In short, we allow a team to "do more with less." Produce better results without having to hire an army of people. Increase sales volume by having your outside sales team selling instead of manually entering in requests and fighting with the inside teams on the best way to get the job done. We can help with any or all of it.
This is why we distinguish ourselves as more than just a team that "builds websites." In reality- we solve business problems, we just often times use online technology to do it.
Working Examples
Want some examples? One company that we worked with had the predicament of onboarding new customers. The account setup process touched many different departments ranging from credit, operations, shipping, sales, and accounting. Controlling the flow of information was a nightmare as reseller tax forms, shipping labels, credit applications, cost sheets, and dozens of other items had to be coordinated. System X Designs was able to implement a New Customer Application process which will pass the appropriate information to each department. This streamlined the process as well as enabled the client to adhere to PCI regulations. The result was the average setup time went from four business days to about four hours within the first month of implementing the system.
In this example, our customer had a problem and we were able to provide a solution. This is the type of collaboration that System X Designs strives to achieve with all of our clients.