Not sure how you're going to make time to update your website, Twitter, Facebook, and Linked In page? Not sure how you're going to find your target demographics on the crucial social media networks? Worse yet, not sure if you really need to?

Let me save you some time. You need to be marketing on social media. Period. Though that may sound foreign, that's the present day equivalent to the argument from some business owners ten years ago that said "We don't need a website." Really?

Social Media Marketing

However, needing to market on social media and needing to bring on full-time staff or neglect your other tasks in business are two very different things. Enter System X Designs. With our customizable solutions, we can build your site so that you can manage the content, and have that content automatically publish itself at a pre-determined time. Furthermore, we can set it up so that when your article publishes on your site it will automatically add a teaser and a link to your social media networks. Every time. No more spending hours on fresh content that you know you need but don't have time for. No more spending precious time logging into different social media outlets to add the same link to each one.

Targeted Social Media Campaigns

We know your target audience and we make sure they get to know you too. We build your custom audience and engage them with effective high-quality graphics and content to boost top-of-mind awareness.

Reach More People, Faster

Each Social Media campaign comes with built-in advertising that allows you to reach more people faster. Get seen by thousands of people and instantly drive more traffic for your business.

Hands-Off Solution

Our Advanced Social Media package provides you with an all-in-one solution for social media. We'll take care of everything related to Social Media including addressing your customers online, escalating reviews and messages to you, and creating all relevant content on a monthly basis.

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